Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday Note

~FRIDAY NOTE (9/29/17)~

Math:  We introduced the numbers 9 and 10.  We’ve been working a lot with part, part, whole (total).  Example, 4 and 5 are parts of 9 (whole/total).  The students may refer to these as “hidden partners”.  Your child should be able to identify numbers 0-10 now.  We will be assessing this skill soon.

Language Workshop: Our book for the week was Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?.  We read and practiced retelling this story.  We also made our own “Brown Bear Reader” to add to our Independent Reading boxes.  

Reading Workshop:  This week I started reading with students individually checking their understanding of concepts of print.  I’m using a level A text with sight words they should know (Ex: I like apples.).  I am asking your child questions such as, “Can you show me where to begin reading?” “How many words are in that sentence?” “Where would you read next?” “Can you point to an ending mark?”.  I’m also looking to see if they are using the picture for clues.  

Writing Workshop:  Each day we wrote a sentence from the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?.  As a class we set at the carpet with a clipboard and talked about what we were going to write for the day.  Once we decided what our sentence was we counted the number of words in the sentence.  We used sight words and color words to complete the sentence.  After writing each word we would go back and reread to figure out the next word in the sentence.  Once the sentence was complete, students went back to their seats to draw a picture to match the sentence.  We call this process “Interactive Writing”.  Look for these papers in their folder.  Your child should be able to read each page to you independently.

Word Study: Our sight word was “see”.  It popped up a lot in our reading and writing this week. Our letters for the week were “Nn”, “Oo”, “Pp” and “Qq”.  Don’t forget to practice letter and sound identification at home with your child.  Your child should now be able to identify the letter and sound for letters Aa-Qq.

1st Quarter Assessments
Next week we will begin assessing over 1st Quarter skills.  Some of the skills we will be assessing over are letter identification, sight words, numbers 0-10, and counting to 25.  Please be sure to practice at home!

Important Dates:

Oct. 3~ Cookie dough Fundraiser money due
    • Oct. 5 ~ School Pictures
    • Oct. 7 ~ Fall Festival (5-7:30 pm on the elementary playground)
    • Oct. 11 ~ End of 1st Quarter Reading Journey
    • Oct. 12 ~ End of 1st Quarter
    • Oct. 12 ~ Cox Care Mobile
    • Oct. 13 ~ NO SCHOOL (Fall Break)
    • Oct. 16-17 ~ Parent/Teacher Conferences
    • Oct. 27 ~ Halloween Party (see below for details)

Sight Words
Your child should be able to recognize these words within 3 seconds.  It is very important that you practice them at home with your child, as we will be adding new ones each week.    
I     the     see     like     is    my    a   

Halloween Party
Our Halloween Party will be October 27th.  At noon, we will parade through the school in our costumes.  The party will begin after the parade, at approximately 12:30 and last until 1:00.  Please remember to send your child’s costume to school that morning!  Do not bring it with you—you never know when you might be delayed unexpectedly.
*Special note about costumes—NO weapons of any kind allowed, please keep blood and gore to a minimum!

Next Week:
  • Our theme will be Fall.  We will learn about informational (non-fiction) books.  
  • In math, we will review numbers 0-10.
  • Our sight word will be “it”.
  • Our letters for the week will be “Rr”, “Ss”, “Tt” and “Uu”.  

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday Note

FRIDAY NOTE (9/22/17)

Math: We are learning to count, and write numbers 5-8. We are also learning about the hidden partners that make up these numbers (6 and 1 make 7).

Language Workshop:  Our theme this week was Colors. We read several color books such as, Rain, Freight Train, Pete The Cat I Love My White Shoes, The Day The Crayons Quit, and Press Here.  We’ve been focusing on naming the parts of a book (front cover, back cover and title page).  We also have been learning to name the jobs of both the author (writes the words) and illustrator (draws the pictures. Look for these assessments in your child’s folder.  As always, if he/she is not proficient in these skills, then please practice them at home. I will reassess one more time before the end of the quarter progress report.

Writing Workshop:  We started labeling our picture in our reading log. Each day we had a different color word. The students drew a picture of something that color then labeled it with the sounds they heard.

Word Study:  Our sight word for this week was “like”.  This week we learned about the letters Jj, Kk, Ll, and Mm.  We practiced finding the letters and learned the sounds they make.  We found pictures that begin with each sound.  Students were able to engage in various Smartboard games to reinforce letter recognition and the sound the letters make.

Important Dates:     
Sept. 26 - Hurricane Relief Fundraiser

Sept. 29 - Volunteer Training 9:00-9:30 Please call the office (743-4810) if you plan to attend.  This must be completed if you would like to volunteer at school.

Oct. 5 - School Picture Day (order forms will be sent home the week before)

Oct. 7- Fall Festival (see below)

           Oct. 12- Cox Care- call nurse for an appointment.

Assessment Pages: Please continue to watch for these to be sent home.  Look over these pages carefully.  If your child needs continued practice on a skill, please work on it at home with your child. Thanks!    

Your child should be able to recognize these words within 3 seconds.  Please practice them at home with your child.   

I               is
like            the 
          a               my

Next Week:
·        Our theme will be Color Review.  We will focus on the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?.
·        In math, we will be learning about 9 and 10.
·        We will focus on the sight word “see”.
·        Our letters will be “Nn, Oo, Pp, and Qq”.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday Note 9-15-17

Friday Note - 9/15/2017

Math:   This week we learned how to count objects to 4 and 5 and how to write the numbers correctly.  Please continue to look over the math pages carefully.
Language Workshop:  This week we read color books and began our focus on identifying colors and color words.  We focused on the colors red, green, and blue.  We started writing in our reading logs this week.  Each day we focused on one color, drew objects that are that color, and then labeled the pictures.  The students did a great job with this new activity.
Writing Workshop:   Each day we wrote a couple sentences.  We are focusing on print concepts during this time.  We are learning that we write from left to right.  We start with a capital letter and use punctuation to end our writing.  As a class we look for sight words, and the letters we are learning that week in the message.  This week we learned about questions marks also.  We also practiced writing the letters “Hh” and “Ii” correctly.
Word Study:   Our sight word for this week was “the”.  This week we learned about the letters Hh and Ii.  We practiced finding the letters and learned the sounds they make.  We found pictures that begin with each sound.  Students were able to engage in various Smartboard games to reinforce letter recognition and the sound the letters make.
Important Dates:
  • Sept. 19 - Cox CARE Mobile (call the nurse for an appointment)
  • Sept. 21 - Watch DOGS Pizza Night 6:00-7:00 (more information below)
  • Sept. 26 - Hurricane Relief Fundraiser (see below)
  • Sept. 29 - Volunteer Training 9:00-9:30  Please call the office (743-4810) if you plan to attend.  This must be completed if you would like to volunteer at school.
  • Oct. 5 - School Picture Day (order forms will be sent home the week before)

Hurricane Relief Fundraiser:  On Tuesday, September 26th, Clever FBLA will be collecting cash and coin donations at the high school volleyball game and the middle school football game. Students preschool through fourth grade get free admission to the games.  All donations will be given to Convoy of Hope to provide supplies to hurricane victims in Texas and Florida.  

Sight Words -
I   is   a   my   the

*At the end of the quarter the students who correctly identify all the sight words will get to visit the treasure box.
WHO ARE WATCH DOGS?  Dads who volunteer at school K-4
WHAT TIME? 6:00 pm
WHERE?  FEMA/Cafeteria
HOW DO I SIGN UP?  Call 743-4810 to register

Reading Journey
 Remember to be working on the reading journey for this quarter!  You can help your child meet their reading goal by reading daily with them.  Feel free to email me pictures and we will share them with the class.  Thank you!

Next Week:
o   We will continue learning about color words.
o   In math we will learn about numbers 5-8.
o   We will learn about the letters Jj, Kk, Ll, and Mm.
o   Our sight word will be “like”.

Have a Great Weekend!!
Mrs. Wenger

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Watch D.O.G.S information

WHO ARE WATCH DOGS?  Dads who volunteer at school K-4
WHAT TIME? 6:00 pm
WHERE?  FEMA/Cafeteria
HOW DO I SIGN UP?  Call 743-4810 to register


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Friday Note-- Sorry this is LATE

FRIDAY NOTE 9/08/2017
Math: This week in math we learned how to decompose within 3 using materials and drawings.  For example, we practiced 1 + 2 and 2 + 1 make 3.  We also discussed the meaning of zero and practiced writing the numbers 0-3.
Language Workshop: This week we read The Pledge of Allegiance, learned what it meant, and learned about our flag. We also talked about our school pledge and learned about respect.
Reading Workshop:  We completed literacy center rotations. We have been working hard to learn the expectations of literacy centers. I will start working with small groups next week. While I am working with groups the students are practicing skills.
Writing Workshop: This week we practiced correctly forming letters Ee, Ff and Gg.  Each day we write a daily message.  As a class we look for sight words, and the letters we are learning that week in the message. We have also introduced spacing, capital letters, and punctuation.   
Word Study: Our sight word for this week was “a”.  Students were able to engage in various Smartboard games to reinforce recognition and the sound the letters Ee, Ff and Gg make.
Sight Words
I   is   a   my
Important Dates:
  • Sept. 11 - No School
  • Sept. 11 - Math Parent Night 6:30-7:45 in the cafeteria
  • Sept. 12 - No School - Teacher Professional Development Day
  • Sept. 13th- Book order due
  • Sept. 19 - Cox CARE Mobile
  • Sept. 21 - Watch DOGS Pizza Night 6:00-7:00 (be looking for more info)   
  •  Volunteer Training September 29th from 9-9:30am in FEMA
You will notice a sorting assessment paper in your child’s folder early next week. .  After we spent last week learning how we can group different objects, I assessed your child over their knowledge this week.  Students were given a score depending on how accurate they were when sorting by a given attribute.  Each score corresponds with an achievement level (advanced, proficient, basic and below basic).  Definitions for these terms are as follows:
Advanced:   *Goes above and beyond meeting the standard
*Very few of our assessments in Kindergarten lend themselves to the   possibility of advanced     
Proficient:    *Meets grade level expectations regarding understanding of the standard
               *Consistently and independently demonstrates understanding of standard
Basic:          *Shows some success on assignments related to standard
               *Meets expectations on only some parts of the standard
Below Basic:  *Rarely shows success on assignments related to standard
                  *Does not meet expectations for understanding of the standard
If your child did not score Proficient on an assessment, please continue to work on this skill at home.  We will continue to work on this at school as well and I will re-test them at a later date.  This is how your child’s performance will be reflected on the kindergarten progress report.

Next Week:
o   We will start a unit about color words.
o   In math we will continue working on decomposing and writing numbers 1-5.
o   We will learn about the letters “Hh” and “Ii”.
o   Our sight word will be “the”.
Have a Great Weekend!!

Mrs. Wenger

Thursday, September 7, 2017


I will not be at school tomorrow (Friday September 8th). If you need anything please call the office at 743-4810 as I will not have access to my email.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Grandparents Day Information

Thank you for RSVPing to Grandparents Day on Friday, September 8th. Due to the large number of attendees, we are making adjustments to the schedule as follows.
PreK and Kindergarten Grandparents: 9-10am
1st-4th Grade Grandparents:  10-11am                                                                        
Parking: Field West of Bus Lane (Parking attendants will be present)

Line to monthly lunch menus

 Clink the link to go to the monthly lunch and breakfast menus. Lunch Menu

Friday Note

Friday Note 9/1/17


Math: We continued sorting objects.  Students participated in several class activities to practice sorting, classifying, and counting objects.  We practiced sorting a variety of ways using different manipulatives.  During our fluency time, we are working with numbers 1-5. Each morning I teach a whole group lesson. After the lesson the students do a small paper pencil activity to demonstrate if they have mastered the skills. In the afternoon I work with small groups of students if they need extra practice.

Language Workshop: This week we continued our All About Me and My Community theme.  Our focus was on families.  We read the book Families are Different and a variety of family books.  We discussed the importance of our families and discovered some similarities and differences that we have.  We realized that all families are different and special.  We talked about common physical, social and emotional needs and how these differ from wants.  We shared our family papers that we filled out and returned.  

Reading Workshop:  We practiced reading independently. We talked about how you can read the words, read the pictures, or retell a familiar story. We also introduced working in literacy centers. During centers students will practice skills we have covered independently so I can work on on one with students who need extra assistance. Later in the year this is when I will work with reading groups.  

Writing Workshop: Our sight word for this week was “my”.  During our daily class message  we found sight words and the letters we are learning. We have also introduced spacing, capital letters and when we use them in a sentence and punctuation.   

Word Study: This week we practiced correctly forming letters Aa, Bb, Cc & Dd. Students were able to engage in various Smartboard games to reinforce letter recognition and the sound the letters make. We sorted the letters and found the letters in writing.  Please encourage your child to practice writing the letters we have learned so far at home.  Please sit with your child and watch as they write the letters and make sure they are holding their pencil correctly.  A letter formation page is coming home today.  Please hang this somewhere to refer to when practicing at home.     
Work Coming Home:  If you go through your child’s folder and you notice work that doesn’t look complete or has several incorrect answers, don’t be alarmed.  A lot of times students will be working on these papers during literacy centers or math centers, which is my time to work in small groups on things specific to that group.  So that doesn’t leave much time for me to walk around and “grade” other students work.  If they are completing a skill incorrectly I will use my small group time to correct, model, and practice those skills with them.

Important Dates:
  • Sept. 4 - No School-Labor Day
  • Sept. 8- Grandparent’s Day 9:00-10:00am
  • Sept. 11 - No School
  • Sept. 11 - Math Parent Night 6:30-7:45 in the cafeteria
  • Sept. 12 - No School - Teacher Professional Development Day
  • Sept. 19- Cox Care
  • Sept. 21 - Watch DOGS Pizza Night 6:00-7:00 (be looking for more info)

The Cox Care Mobile is scheduled to be at Clever Schools on Tuesday, September 19, 2017. The Care Mobile is a medical office on wheels that provides FREE services to children ages birth to 18 years whether you have insurance or not. You may call the school nurse to inquire about the services provided, to schedule an appointment, and to receive the necessary paperwork. Thank you!

Reading Challenge
Information is coming home today about our Reading Journey.  Be sure to work towards meeting your child’s reading goal by reading daily with them.  Feel free to email me pictures and we will share them during calendar time.  Thank you!

Important Information and Reminders:
If your child will be eating breakfast at school, please have them here by 7:45 a.m.  We clean up breakfast and begin our day at 8:05.  

I hope you hear your child coming home each day saying, “We are learning to... (Ex: We are learning to sort objects.)  These are the learning targets that we focus on each and every lesson.  These learning targets come from our standards that the state of Missouri requires us to teach in Kindergarten.  Every week we will focus on new skills in reading and math.  

Next Week:
We will continue our All About Me and My Community theme by focusing on our school, community, and country.  We will learn about the Clever School pledge, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the American flag.

WE will continue our math topic on sorting and working with numbers to 5.  

We will learn about the letters Ee, Ff & Gg.

Our sight word will be “a”.

Have a Great Holiday Weekend!

Mrs. Wenger