Sunday, August 16, 2015

Friday Note

FRIDAY NOTE (8/14/15)
Events of the Week:  Wow!  The first week of school has already come and gone.  You won’t believe what all we have learned so far!  I hope your little one had as much fun this week as I did.  They are a great group of kids!  We are working on routine activities, such as using the bathrooms, eating in the cafeteria, walking quietly down the hallways, and so on.  The children have made much improvement in only three days. 

A BIG thanks to Hayden for the first day of school goody bags.
o    Attached you will find a copy of our classroom rules and the reading and math standards that we will be covering this year.

Important Dates:
          Sept. 7—No School-Labor Day
            Sept. 12—Grandparent’s Day 10:00-11:30  (be looking for more details)
  • We will have P.E. on Tuesday and Friday.  Coach Wise asks that your child wear tennis shoes & appropriate clothing on these days due to the activities they will be doing.

  • If you have not reviewed the items in your child’s packet that was sent home on Wednesday, please do so and return the signed forms on Monday. 

  • When the weather gets too hot, too cold, or too rainy, we will have inside recess.  It is a good idea to leave a small toy in your child’s backpack for inside recess. 

  • Please place an extra outfit (including socks and underwear) in your child’s backpack.

Lunch Balance:  The price for breakfast is $1.30 and lunch is $1.80.  You must maintain a positive balance in order for your child to eat a school lunch.  You can check your balance on  If you send lunch money to school with your child, please send it in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and my name written on it.

Next Week:
  • Our theme will be All About Me & My Community.  We will also learn about shapes.  We will play the Name Game to learn everyone’s names. 
  • We will continue working on routine activities, such as using the bathrooms, eating in the cafeteria, walking quietly down the hallways, following the classroom rules, etc. 

Have a Great Weekend!!
Mrs. Wenger

This year I will use a weekly newsletter to keep you informed.  In an attempt to help the environment, we try to communicate through a classroom blog.  Our blog will contain information about what’s going on in our classroom.  Occasionally I will post group pictures of our class on this blog.  Your child will not be photographed alone, nor will he/she be identified by name.  Also, last names are never used on the blog.  Our classroom blog will be up and running next week.  You will receive more information about our blog next week!

Important Info. & Reminders


Please be sure your child is at school and on time each day!  If you know your child will be absent, please let me know ahead of time or send a note from home so that I can prepare make-up work.  In the event your child is sick, please call the office (743-4810) or send a note upon your child’s return to school.  If I do not receive a phone call or note, the absence is considered unexcused.  If your child has been sick, I must receive a doctor’s note if you wish for your child to stay in at recess! 

Please note the following policy as stated in the student handbook:
“Missouri Law (167.031) states that it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that children attend school regularly.  Excessive and/or unexcused absences or tardies may be considered educational neglect.  Should a child accumulate more than 10 absences and/or tardies per semester that have not been excused by a doctor’s note or pre-approval in the office, a letter will be sent to the parent addressing the issue of attendance.  In addition, copies of this letter will be sent to both the offices of Division of Family Services and the Prosecuting Attorney.”


Kindergartners will be eating lunch from 12:00-12:20.  If you plan to join your child for lunch, please notify the office as early as possible for lunch count purposes.  Also, please check-in at the office when you arrive.  If you will be eating a school lunch with your child, you will need to purchase a lunch ticket in the K-4 office.  Mrs. Wallin asks that you do not bring carryout food for yourself or your child.


If your child celebrates his/her birthday during the school year, please feel free to send treats to share with the class. We currently have 19 students in our class. A little secret I’ve learned is to send individual treats such as cookies or cupcakes.  It is hard to cut up a cookie cake and make sure that each student gets an equal amount.  Birthday invitations may not be passed out in class, unless EACH child in the class is receiving one. 

·         Students will report directly to classroom or cafeteria upon arrival.  If a student wishes to eat breakfast they must go to the cafeteria first.  Students will not be able to go to breakfast after arriving in the classroom.
·         Students may not be at the school before 7:45 a.m.  If they arrive after 8:05, they will be considered tardy.
·         If you will be picking your child up after school in the circle drive, please use the colored nametags that were sent home on the first day of school.  Since each child will be safely escorted to your car, these color-coded tags really speed up the process. 
·         Also, please remember that if you plan on your child doing anything different than the normal routine at the end of a day (for example, getting picked up instead of riding the bus like usual), please send a note or call the office before 2:00.  We cannot allow a child do anything different without permission from you, so this will make everything run smoother.  Thanks for your cooperation with all these details!
·         In an effort to promote the safety and welfare of our students, parents picking up PreK-4 students should use the north circle drive and parents picking up 5-8 students should use the south circle drive. For some, this will mean two separate pick up locations but we are trading convenience for much greater security.

If you would like to donate one of these items, our classroom would be very grateful!
·        Ziploc bags (all sizes)
·        Clorox/Lysol-type wipes
·        Hand Sanitizer
·        Items for out art center including:
Pipe cleaners

Pom-pom balls

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